
Addicted to Unhappiness: How Hidden Motives for Unhappiness Keep You From Creating the Life You Truly Want, and What You Can Do LEARN MORE

Smart Love: The Comprehensive Guide to Understanding, Regulating and Enjoying Your Child LEARN MORE

Mommy, Daddy, I Had a Bad Dream! LEARN MORE

Jilly’s Terrible Temper Tantrums and How She Outgrew Them LEARN MORE

Intrapsychic Humanism: An Introduction to a Comprehensive Psychology and Philosophy of Mind LEARN MORE
Recent Articles
“The Happiest Preschool” in Childhood Education Innovations magazine
Dr. Martha Heineman Pieper was invited by Childhood Education Innovations to submit an excerpt from “The Happiest Preschool: A Manual for Teachers.”
A History of the Origins and Evolution of Intrapsychic Humanism
On the 20th anniversary of the publication of Intrapsychic Humanism: An Introduction to a Comprehensive Psychology and Philosophy of Mind, Dr. Martha Heineman Pieper talks about the genesis of the psychology behind the landmark book.